Bamboo Shoot and Chicken Dumplings

by Emily

in Chicken Dumpling Recipes

Bamboo shoots are a classic ingredient used in many Chinese dishes. And of course, we found a way to include this ingredient in Chinese dumplings as well! If you are looking for a dumpling with a distinctly Chinese take, try out this recipe.

Chicken breast, 2 cups
Bamboo shoots, 2 cups
Vegetable oil, 2 tablespoon
Sesame oil, 1 table spoon
Yellow bean paste (salted and fermented soy bean paste), 1 teaspoon
Green onion, diced, 1 tablespoon
Ginger, 1 teaspoon
MSG, 1/3 teaspoon
Chicken stock, 1/3 cup
Salt, 1 teaspoon
Black rice vinegar (for dipping sauce)
Spicy oil (for dipping sauce)

You may also want to see more Chinese Chicken Dumpling Recipes.

1. Mince the bamboo root. Typically, I use canned bamboo shoots, but when fresh bamboo shoots are available, those can be used as well.

2. Remove the skin and bone from the chicken breast. Then chop the chicken breast finely, or put in through a meat grinder. Place the ground chicken in a bowl.

3. To the ground chicken, add the chicken stock and mix well. Then add the vegetable oil, yellow bean paste, green onion, ginger, bamboo shoots, salt, and sesame oil. Mix well again.

4. Let the filling sit on the tabletop for 10 minutes or more for the flavors to blend. In the meantime, you can prepare the dumpling wrappers. See How to Make Chinese Dumpling Wrappers for details.

5. Wrap the filling with the dumpling wrappers.

6. To cook the dumplings, place them in a pot of boiling, slightly salted water. Boil for 15-20 minutes, then remove from the water and serve while hot.

7. To make a dipping sauce for the dumplings, mix equal amounts of black rice vinegar and spicy oil.

The 1:1 proportion between meat and shoot can be varied between 1:2 to 2:1 without a large effect on the taste of the dumplings, so this recipe is excellent for using up small pieces of chicken meat left over from your other recipes. There is always a can of bamboo shoots sitting in my pantry for this purpose, just in case I don’t know what to do with a small piece of chicken in the freezer.

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